Tuesday, March 12, 2013


As you may have heard, STILL ILL, in collaboration with DELUSION OF TERROR and LOVE FROM HATE will be releasing a compilation of upcoming hardcore punk bands from our local community. The thing is we need pics for the cover, back cover, layout etc. as we want the comp. to look like the classic comps such as The Way It Is up to the Generations comp. and we need your help! Send in pics of the following bands or crowd shots while they are playing: RANDOM VIOLENCE, THE BOXERS, OF WOLVES AND SWINES, FORCED MARCH, ARMAS NG LIAS, NEVERDIE, VALUE LASTS, THE VICTIMS, THE SKELETON YEARS, TRES LUCE, TIGER PUSSY, SACRIFIX, FRONTAL, EMBRACE THE ABSURD and HOLY COW. Anyone whose photo will be used will be properly credited and given a copy of the CD. We’re almost done with the recordings and the layout should be done in a month’s time. Don’t send the pics at FB. E-mail it to me: stillillhc@gmail.com. Thanks! Kindly share to your friends who can probably help out!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


It has been over a month since I last posted on this blog. Don't get me wrong. It's not because there has been a lack of activities or happenings in our local scene. Truth be told, people at Still Ill had been terribly busy with upcoming projects. Announcements will be made this weekend. Also, this will be my last post here as we will launch the new still ill website, most probably this weekend. Go head over to www.stillillhc.com sometime this weekend for some news!

Thank you to everyone who has read, bookmarked, left a comment or just checked out this site for updates ad whatever stories I had to tell. I had so much fun doing this and it's time to move on. You can e-mail me at: stillillhc@gmail.com or you can visit the new site next week: www.stillillhc.com.

See ya at da pit!