Friday, April 29, 2011

Review: I Remember Halloween No. 6 zine

Consistency has been the name of the game for IRH the last couple of years. He has been pumping issues every four (4) months or so, I think. This issue is a bit thinner (28 pages, half-sized) and features all-local interviews this time with Isvarah, Rush IxDx and a lengthy one with Istukas Over Disneyland from Pampanga (one of the hardest working bands I know!). Good questions were asked and informative answers were delivered. Features Kaktus Karuka on the cover too. Awesome lay-out too. Also features some writings from Dane, a detailed Pampanga scene report, zine and music reviews and some pics. All in its black and white glory. Two thumbs up man! (Contact:, and check out his blog on the reading list)

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