Resilience is a rare thing in our community. Doing a zine for ten years (although it boils down to an issue per year, still), is example of resilience. CM recently celebrated its 10th year with a release party somewhere in Makati this month. Bands who were previously featured in CM got to play in the show. This 10th salvo features interesting reads from Sunday Driven Holiday (Cavite, the interview is pretty in-depth and covers a lot of ground), Crapsalad Videos (awesome read from one of the more underrated people we have in our local scene), not so interesting interviews with Lemuria and a couple of labels (except the Goodwill Records interview where you can feel the enthusiasm of the interviewees). This issue also features a bunch of columns, show reviews and music reviews. Local zines have been getting a fresh shot in the arm lately. Continue supporting these guys!(
Currently listening to: Unbroken 'Re-issue, Re-package, Re-evaluate the songs'
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